Teaching Your Child To Drive
This is comprehensive guide for parents and partners to help them support their learner develop and improve their driving skills outside of lessons. Those who get extra regular practise are more likely to pass first time and become more confident drivers. These sessions don't have to be full on and could just be driving to the supermarket and practising parking

Their first steps as a driver should be conducted under the supervision of a professional such as your instructor at 4front Driving School. This is because the first stages of learning to drive are challenging and as an instructor involve a lot of correction and intervention, such as grabbing the steering wheel or using the dual controls. The student will learn the basics and become more independent. After about 10 hours of tuition students will start to take more responsibility for their actions and decisions and at which point we would recommend you start including extra private practise so that your child or partner can gain the most out of their learning opportunities.
Learning to drive is not all about learning how to pass your test, it is about becoming a safe, competent, confident and independent driver.
Its worth asking yourself the questions - How long is it since you passed your test? Twenty years ago? Twenty-five? How much can you remember about it?
Even if you can remember a lot about your driving test, you’ll find that the modern driving examination has changed a great deal since then. Would you be able to pass a modern-day driving test? Do you always drive in the manner that would pass the scrutiny of an examiner? We all develop habits over time and it is not always good practice to pass these on to the learner. However as an instructor we teach with a training approach, we don't dictate, we don't tell the learner what to do and we encourage them to self reflect. Therefore we encourage you to take this approach, allow the learner to become independent, question their decisions so that they can work out what they should do or may have done wrong and therefore request that you follow these steps to repeat the same technique.
We suggest that your child or partner uses the self reflection sheet or form to reflect back on their session and evaluate what went well and they need to improve on in a constructive and positive manor.
We have also included a progress sheet that you may wish to use to help assess their progress each time you take them out. It would be helpful if they share each session with their instructor too so that they can benefit from each persons input.
Some Tips and Pointers
Avoid dictation and direct instruction
Question decisions
Question mistakes
Allow for the student to make decisions themselves
Be ready to react and take over
Stay calm and avoid emotions
Give constructive feedback
Avoid negative responses or reactions
Stay alert and look at what they should be looking at
Help them to reflect,
Avoid putting them under pressure,
Do your research if you are unsure,
Use our resources, blog and student page to help you,
Have a focus for each session - or a target to work on,
Use the Satnav as much as you can to create a route so that you have the directions clear and upfront.
Always be ahead of the decisions the learner makes look well ahead, plan well ahead, be ready to react if they don't.
Bellow are a number of resources including insurance that can be taken out temporarily that wont affect your premium.
A progress sheet to help you monitor your child / partners progress
Why not share each session with your instructor?
Download our student reflection journal or submit the online form.
Save money and consider using temporary Learner driver insurance.
Our blog is full of useful information to support our students learning - it might help you too.